Your Biblical Duty to Vote

As responsible citizens, Christians must strive to honour God in all areas of life (Matthew 5:14-20).

We are to oppose evil (Isaiah 59) and work for righteousness.

Christians therefore have a Biblical duty to vote.

“Select capable men from all the people - men who fear God; trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain - and appoint them as officials...”
Exodus 18:21

“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people” Proverbs 14:34

Does your one vote really count?

Contrary to what people may believe, election histories prove that just one vote is often the difference between victory and defeat for a party, candidate, or issue.

Consider these historical examples:

In 1645, one vote gave Oliver Cromwell control of England.

In 1649, one vote caused Charles I of England to be executed.

In 1776, one vote gave America the English language instead of German.

In 1845, one vote brought Texas into the Union.

In 1868, one vote saved US President Andrew Johnson from impeachment.

In 1875, one vote changed France from a monarchy to a republic.

In 1876, one vote gave Rutherford B. Hayes the Presidency of the U.S.

In 1923, one vote gave Adolf Hitler leadership of the Nazi Party.

When you do not vote, by default you cast your vote against the person or proposal you would prefer.

When you do not vote that vote is one less the opposition must overcome, thus your "no vote" is a vote for anti-Christian policies.

More than 80% of South Africans confess that they believe in God and see themselves as Christians.

Voting took place 29 May 2024 & we will be updating the stats as soon as possible.

Therefore, data used in this article would be from the 2019 elections:

Voter Turnout:

66.05% (17.67 million votes cast out of 26.76 million registered voters)

Abstention Rate:


Party Results:

African National Congress (ANC): 57.50% of the vote

Democratic Alliance (DA): 22.38%

Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF): 10.79%

Others: 9.33%

“Who will rise up for Me against the wicked? Who will make a stand for Me against the workers of iniquity?”

Psalm 94:16

South Africa’s Proportional Representation System

South Africa has a proportional representation system, which means that the more votes a party gets, the more seats they will get in parliament.

Additional Resources:

Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC):


Provides detailed election results, voter registration statistics, and other relevant information.

Statistics South Africa (Stats SA):


Offers demographic data and analysis, which you might find helpful for understanding voting patterns based on age, gender, and other factors.

Country Profile:

South Africa - IFES Election Guide:


Contains historical election data and analysis from the International Foundation for Electoral Systems.

Important Considerations:

While the 2019 election data is helpful, remember it's from several years ago and might not directly reflect potential trends in the upcoming 2024 elections.

It's important to acknowledge the limitations of simple mathematical examples provided about voter abstention.

Real-world voting behaviour is complex and influenced by many factors beyond just party preference.


We acknowledge the limitations of using older data and highlight the importance of waiting for stats from the 2024 elections for a more accurate picture of current voting patterns.